Fashionistas from all over the world are loving all things striped.  There are a few items in my style arsenal that'll  never fall out of favor with me:  LBD's (Little Black Dress), denim, leather, and classic stripes. Filed under FOREVER STAPLE,  the possibilities are endless with this wardrobe favorite. Stripes are a classic pattern and can be interpreted in many different ways. I understand that some fashionistas may think this look appears difficult and a concept that doesn't fit into your lifestyle.  But it's SUPER EASY and it's all about pairing a striped shirt with a pair of striped pants!  I love this look for many reasons and it was a lot of fun.  Adding a touch of whimsy with my favorite vintage Liz Claiborne hat made for the perfect pairing. 

Captured by beech photography 

Captured by beech photography 

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Hat- Vintage Liz Claiborne (similar here)  | Shades - Ray Bans (seen here) | Necklace - thrifted (similar here) | Striped Shirt - Nordstrom (similar here)  | Wide Leg Pants -  Banana Republic | Shoes - Sam Edelman SOLD …

Hat- Vintage Liz Claiborne (similar here)  | Shades - Ray Bans (seen here) | Necklace - thrifted (similar here) | Striped Shirt - Nordstrom (similar here)  | Wide Leg Pants -  Banana Republic | Shoes - Sam Edelman SOLD OUT (similar here)  | Cuff - House of Harlow (seen here) | Clutch - ASOS SOLD OUT (similar here).    

Striped street style looks are popping up everywhere at the moment.  You can keep your outfit classic with bold and bright colored stripes to more of a conservative look by pairing a striped top with skinny jeans or go a bit crazy like me and mix up your prints. 

How do you wear stripes?  Which of these striped #streetstyle looks grab your attention?   Let me know in the comments below! 

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Personal Style and Keeping a Positive Self-Image

You might recognize the pants from Splurge magazine, June 2016 issue. Honored to be featured with some of Oklahoma's elite wardrobe and fashion stylists.  Read the full article here. 

You might recognize the pants from Splurge magazine, June 2016 issue. Honored to be featured with some of Oklahoma's elite wardrobe and fashion stylists.  Read the full article here

Until next time with love, 




Photographer: Carrie Strong

Photographer: Carrie Strong

For a long time, I only discussed my female health problem with family and close friends. Considered it my own personal issue, something people probably didn’t want to know about. My upbringing taught me you keep your personal life private and you just don’t share personal things like this. Whelp, it’s a new day and I’m attempting to be brave and bold in an effort to help other women with the same issue.  Hopefully, sharing my story about uterine fibroids will empower the next woman to better understand their body, their choices for treatment, and ultimately feel better! 

My story started 3 yrs ago when I had an ultrasound displaying various growths comprised of muscle and fibrous tissue called uterine fibroids. Before the ultra sound, I wasn’t familiar with the term "fibroid" and the full extent of damage they may cause.   Each year during my annual exam my doctor would casually mention the growths are harmless and we will monitor them.   Harmless.........Yeah right!!!  Until, they grow and start occupying your entire precious uterus.  She also forgot to mention if the fibroids continue to grow eventually they will have to be removed or treated via surgery or a heavy dose of hormone suppression drugs with side effects of early menopause.  If I would have known the abnormal growths from the gates of hell would become a real issue, I would have changed my entire mindset regarding my health.   

Fast forward to January 2016, not surprisingly I started to have some of the symptoms associated with fibroids like, frequent urination, constipation, and abdominal bloating.  Waking up in the morning with my stomach resembling a pregnant woman in her final trimester is not my idea of bringing sexy back. This was my official wake up call and the next day I made an appointment with my gynecologist.   

This pic was taken in January and as you can see I started to get some of the fibroid symptoms!

This pic was taken in January and as you can see I started to get some of the fibroid symptoms!

During the examination the doctor was not alarmed by the current size of my stomach and used medical phrases like it's 18 weeks in size.  She also shared some of her previous surgeries she performed to remove fibrioids.  After explaining her prize winning watermelon size fibroid removal story,  she proceeded to give me 2 pitiful options: surgery or drugs! What immediately started to replay in my head is - I'm a 36 year old African American single female with no kids.  Not completely sure why doctors tell patients to treat fibroids like they are a normal occurrence and we have nothing to worry about. Perhaps, it gives them the green light to perform surgery or prescribe us a  new “clinical trial” hormone suppressant drug the pharmaceutical rep bribed them to try out in exchange for a trip to Aruba………. But I digress. 

Being a woman with a full active life, and feeling that I wanted to "keep my original parts”, surgery and taking medicine was not an option.  So I kindly told my gynecologist to keep her geeked up surgery stories to herself and I will see her in 1 month.  At the time I walked out of the hospital scared and confused but determined to shrink the abnormal demons trying to set up shop within my feminine goodies.  

My first step was to consult several doctors to get a second and third opinion only to receive the same response (surgery or drugs).  Really???  So I took matters into my own hands and engulfed myself in research and read over 80% of women will be diagnosed with fibroids by the age of 50.  Why? What is the root cause?  During my research I stumbled across the key that unlocked my healing.  There’s a direct correlation between fibroids, the function of your liver and estrogen imbalance.   Basically, the foods we consume play a major part in the development and growth of uterine fidroids.    

If dietary choices can so drastically impact my fibroid suffering, imagine what simple nutritional changes could do for my body.  From that day forward I made a conscious decision to not let anything or anyone stand in my way.  Operation "Get Healed" was officially in full effect. 

 My 7 step holistic regimen and what naturally healed my body:  

1. Drastically limit your consumption of simple carbohydrates, refined sugar and processed foods. 

2. Incorporate organic foods as much as possible. Food packed with hormones, specifically meat, feed the fibroid.     

3. Juice beets, spinach, kale, ginger, and turmeric daily to detox the liver. Also add fresh turmeric to your juice and tea.  Or take 3 or more turmeric capsule 3 x daily. This will decrease inflammation and stop excessive bleeding and pain. I add raw turmeric to my dandelion root tea every day.

4. Take an active dose of systemic enzymes 3 x daily. My dosage consists of 12 pills daily (6 in the morning and 6 at night).  This has aided tremendously in dissolving my fibroids.  I use Neprinol and Fibrovera from Arthur Andrew Medical

5.  Exercise a minimum of 30 mins daily four to five times a week.  

6.  Avoid consuming anything packaged in plastic. Bottled water is the major culprit of estrogen imbalance. 

7. THE MOST EFFECTIVE TREATMENT:  Do castor oil packs every other day.  I use Jamaican black castor oil by Island Tropic. Referenced article -

TIP:  Weight control and diet helped to decrease the fibroids. A diet that limits red meat and is rich in green leafy vegetables, fruit, and fish is VERY beneficial.  

Some of my favorite elimination guide books: &

Happy to report after a month the fibroids have decreased significantly in size and my symptoms are almost non-existent. Incorporating a fibroid elimination regimen has been my saving grace. But I must confess, it's not easy and dedication along wit…

Happy to report after a month the fibroids have decreased significantly in size and my symptoms are almost non-existent. Incorporating a fibroid elimination regimen has been my saving grace. But I must confess, it's not easy and dedication along with consistency is KEY!!!! My regimen might be considered drastic but my goal is to live a FULL life fibroid free. In retrospect, being diagnosed was a definite eye opener and a blessing in disguise. I now live a conscious lifestyle and I am completely aware of the foods I consume and the chemicals my body is exposed to on a daily basis. I'm excited to be on the road to recovery and feeling like myself again! More importantly, I am here to provide hope to women dealing with the same issue and offer encouragement through writing this post. Like myself, you can take full control over your health and walk into a new life healed!

Until next time with love,







Velvet Lope “Style Spotlight” consultations always include a sample of expert styling, where the client and I have a mini makeover session at a local clothing store.  During this process, majority of my client’s become energized, excited, and invigorated during the transformation.  After a few consultations with the same response, I started to realize there is a direct correlation between personal style and having a positive self-image.  People often wonder why personal styling should be considered as a tool to transform self-image.  When a person doesn’t have a positive self-image, it will directly affect their confidence and how they physically view themselves and ultimately how they operate in a sometimes unforgiving world. Expert styling can boost self-confidence, change moods, and give an extra bounce in your step to make you feel like you can do anything!!!   

The media portrays an unattainable standard of beauty making it impossible for people to ever to be satisfied with their look.  Proven studies state over 60% of society has a negative view about their appearance and feel stuck in a sartorial rut!  Majority of working men and women find it difficult to develop their personal style during the work week and it’s just easier to opt for casual lounge wear on the weekends. On more than one occasion there are days I wake up and don't feel like myself causing me to invite in self-defeating thoughts…...I struggle like everybody else.   Is my body perfect, HELL NO, is there room for improvement, ABSOLUTELY!!!   But I always take a moment to asset my negative thoughts and make a choice  to remind myself I’m here to SLAY in MIND, BODY, & SOUL!  You may not always have control over your appearance but you have the power to keep a positive attitude about yourself! 

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The simple act of what I affectionately like to call dressing with "self-love" is a ground breaking power and a constant reminder that I’m in control on how I feel about ME and what I want to present to the observing world.  When you create and cultivate your own personal style this allows you the freedom to have a positive self-image and grants the power to eclipse the human need for validation.  The preconceived notion that “well dressed” people have it all together is nothing more than mastering the act of LOOK GOOD, FEEL GOOD, and DO GOOD CONNECTION.  Something magically happens when clients step into a style and color that makes their skin glow a little more and or enhance their natural assets in the right places.  As a result they start to view themselves in a new light and slowly remove the self-imposed blinders. Experiencing this first hand will make you a believer on how implementing small changes in your clothing can change the relationship with your body and your internal self for the better!  

4 GIFTS OF PERSONAL STYLING & keeping a positive self-image:

1.  A positive self-image through styling grants you the power to eclipse the HUMAN need for validation.  

2.   Personal style is one the easiest ways to transform your self-image. 

3.  Expert dressing is powerful for improving confidence and establishing your uniqueness.   

4.  Focusing on your positive attributes and highlighting what you love through clothing is a vital self-love tool. 

If you have already started making small changes towards your personal style, I would love to support you via social media.  Tag me on Instagram and or Twitter with the hashtag "MORE THAN STYLE" because it's just that. A movement towards buildi…

If you have already started making small changes towards your personal style, I would love to support you via social media.  Tag me on Instagram and or Twitter with the hashtag "MORE THAN STYLE" because it's just that. A movement towards building a society who fully believes and adorns their God given beauty!!!

Until next time with love, 
